Electronics and Computers
Mary Kate DonaisLevelBasic
Electronics and Computers
Electronics and Computers (Video)
Electronics and computer basics as they pertain to instrumentation.Exercises
Electronics and Computers1) Draw a circuit that could be used to change the signal at the top to the signal at the bottom (Randall Peters, Mercer Univ, webpaper on spreadsheet filtering, 2004).
2) Draw a circuit that could be used to change the signal in black to the dotted-line signal (A&A 448, 1225-1234 (2006).
3) Mathematical operations are often applied to instrument signals. Provide two specific examples of math operators or combinations of operators used to alter a signal (example: signal is divided by a factor to put it on scale on a computer screen). Draw the circuit(s) used to perform the math.
4) What is an ADC? What is a DAC? How are these used in instruments?
5) Many instruments have computers. Describe two different ways in which computers can be integrated into an instrument’s utilities. Name three different science-specific computer applications.