Mary Kate DonaisLevelBasic
UV/Vis Spectroscopy
UV/Vis Part 1 (Video)
Descriptions of Beer's Law and its limitations and the effects of slit width on measurements. Instrument components and designs are described. Provides a calculation example for Beer's Law of a mixture.UV/Vis Part 2 (Video)
Descriptions ofExercises
UV/Vis spectroscopy1) Palladium(II) and gold(III) can be analyzed simultaneously through reaction with methiomeprozine. The absorption maximum for the Pd complex occurs at 480 nm, while that for the Au complex is at 635 nm. Molar absorptivity data at these wavelengths are given below. Calculate the molarities of Pd(II) and Au(III) in the sample if the mixture had a transmittance of 29.3% at 480 nm and 25.7% at 635 nm. The cell path length is 1.00 cm.
Molar Absorptivity, ε
480 nm 635 nm
Pd complex 3.55x103 5.64x102
Au complex 2.96x103 1.45x104
2) Draw simple diagrams for a
a) single-beam UV/Vis instrument
b) double-beam UV/Vis instrument
3) What is meant by a hypsochromic shift and a bathochromic shift?
4) List and briefly describe three different ways in which UV/Vis spectroscopy can be used for quantification.